Our Annual Town Meeting took place on Tuesday 9th May 2023 in Sedgefield Parish Hall. After the meeting, the annual Citizen of the Year Award was presented and the Mayor of Sedgefield awarded donations to his chosen charity and local groups.
We are pleased to announce that the 2022 Citizen of the Year award was presented to… Wendy Rowley! Wendy moved to Sedgefield with husband Jack in 1987, where they have raised their two children Hannah and Matthew. Although a recognisable face for many while working in the Nags Head and Social Club, it was in September of 2009 that Wendy’s incredible impact on the community began.
With both children soon to be at university, Wendy started working at the Pop In, a friendly group for older people which recently celebrated their 25th anniversary. Wendy’s dedication to sourcing and providing varied entertainment and activities, with support from her essential volunteers, has led to the group becoming such an important network for many elderly residents. The club also regularly takes part in community events, providing some of the best baked goods we have ever tasted!
During the COVID-19 pandemic, Wendy went out of her way to contact the club’s many members regularly (and our source says the family even had to upgrade their BT plan!) until the club could be safely re-opened. We are incredibly proud and lucky to have Wendy play such a large role in caring for our community. Congratulations!
These annual awards are organised through a partnership between Sedgefield Town Council, Sedgefield Rotary Club and Sedgefield Development Trust. At the beginning of each year, residents are invited to nominate candidates through a form included in the Sedgefield News and then a panel of judges (including the immediate previous holder of the award) select the winner.
The Mayor of Sedgefield, Councillor Dave Jasper, raised over £13,000 during 2022/23 through very popular fundraising events and bucket collections. A large sum was donated to his headline charity, Cancer Research UK. At the Annual Town Meeting, Dave presented money to the following local causes:
DIDO, Explorer Scouts, Guides, Memory Café, Methodist Church, Pop-In, Sedgefield in Bloom, Sedgefield Players, Sedgefield Veterans, Sedgefield Youth Club, Sew Easy, SPYS, St John Fisher RC Church, St. Edmund’s Church and U3A.