Over recent years, the Town Council has been working to expand Butterwick Road Cemetery, ensuring that we have a burial facility in Sedgefield for many years ahead. The expansion will be in the land at the top of the existing cemetery site, the area beyond the existing hedges and the stone shelter. This expansion will include an access road between the existing cemetery area and the nearby allotment sites, on the Community College’s former access lane which was purchased by the Town Council several years ago.
Our appointed contractor intends to start work on-site 17th March 2025 with the construction work lasting approximately 18 weeks. During this time the allotment site will have a new temporary access point, and we will be contacting Butterwick Road allotment holders directly regarding this. Throughout the construction phase the new area of the cemetery will be securely sealed with only authorised access permitted. Burials will continue to go ahead at Butterwick Road Cemetery throughout this time and we will liaise with our contractor to ensure that there is no disturbance when a burial takes place.
We will continue to keep you updated about this expansion here, on our X account (@SedgefieldTC), the Sedgefield Extra, the Town Council Offices and town noticeboard as well as cemetery noticeboard.
For any queries, please contact town.clerk@sedgefieldtowncouncil.gov.uk.