Mayor’s Civic Ball 2024

10th January 2024

Our Annual Mayor’s Civic Ball will be held on Friday 1st March 2023 at Hardwick Hall Hotel,…
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Mayor: December 2023

3rd January 2024

3rd December The Mayor and Consort visited our friends Carol Gaskarth and Gail Anderson at the…
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Snow Party Craft Activity 2023

1st December 2023

The Mayor of Sedgefield Cllr Dave Jasper and Consort Annette Lawson had a fantastic time on Monday…
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Mayor: November Update

30th November 2023

2nd November 2023 The Mayor along with six Town Councillors and Council Staff completed their…
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Mayor: October Update

6th November 2023

Sunday 1st October The Mayor played host to DL Maura Regan and a large number of Mayors from the…
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Mayor: September Update

3rd October 2023

Friday 1st September The Mayor and Consort attended a great Coffee Morning in the Parish Hall,…
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Mayor: August Update

5th September 2023

Friday 4th August The Mayor and Consort were delighted to attend the Memory Café’s Coffee…
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Mayor: July Update

1st August 2023

Friday 7th July A large crowd of dignitaries from last year and this year, plus a host of…
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