Nominations are now open for the 2023 Citizen of the Year & Young Citizen of the Year Awards. You can cast your nominations until Wednesday 27th March 2024.
The criteria for Young Citizen of the Year is anyone who was under the age of 21 on 31st December 2023. For anyone older, they will be entered into the Citizen of the Year category.
Your nominee may have:
- Run a community group or project
- Excelled at representing our community
- Taken care of our environment and wildlife
- Done an amazing good deed
- Been a positive role model for people in Sedgefield

You can submit your nomination(s) by scanning the QR code to the left, or clicking this link to take you directly to the online form. If you require a paper nomination form, please email or phone us on 01740 621 273 to arrange to collect one from the council office.
Please note: The number of nominations received does not impact the winner, which is selected by a panel of judges including the previous year’s winner. If you are a group, please only submit one nomination form per nominee.
The awards (and prizes!) will be presented at the Annual Town Meeting in Sedgefield Parish Hall on Tuesday 7th May 2024.
Get nominating now!