Community Chest

Sedgefield benefits from an extremely proactive and invaluable community and voluntary sector, who are mainly reliant on grants and fundraising opportunities to function. With this in mind, we introduced the Community Chest, supported by a ring-fenced amount each financial year, which allows local groups and organisations to access small donations of up to £100. In 2025, this ring-fenced amount will increase to £750.

The remit of this committee is to award grants to good causes, local groups and organisations as follows:

  • Organisations and individuals who bring some kind of benefit to Sedgefield and its community by running sessions, classes or events;
  • Organisations or individuals who by their actions bring a benefit to the community in some way either directly or indirectly.

How to Apply

If you feel your group or organisation would benefit from a small donation, please submit your written request addressed to the Town Clerk including details of what you are doing, why you are seeking financial assistance and how this is going to benefit Sedgefield and its community.

Past Donations


We awarded over £700 to 1st Sedgefield Brownies, 1st Sedgefield Guides, 2nd Sedgefield Brownies, Sedgefield in Bloom, Sedgefield Memory Café, Sedgefield Players, Sedgefield Pop In, Sedgefield Rangers, Sedgefield Youth Club, Sew Easy and St Edmund’s Church.


In 2022/23, £700 was awarded to Sedgefield Hardwick PTA, Pop In Club, Sedgefield SPYS, Sedgefield Memory Café, Sew Easy, Female Hormone Deficiency Support Group and Sedgefield In Bloom.


£1280 was awarded to Sedgefield Primary School, The Hive of Sedgefield, Sedgefield Youth Football Club, Sedgefield Cricket Club (Juniors Section), Sedgefield In Bloom, 1st Sedgefield Rangers, Sedgefield Out Of School Fun Club, Victims Support’s Parish Council Appeal, Great North Air Ambulance, Making Tracks Railway Society and Hardwick Primary School.


£600 was awarded to the Great North Air Ambulance, the Ellen Timney Foundation, Sedgefield Players, Sedgefield Sowers & Growers and St Edmund’s Christmas Tree Festival.


£575 was awarded to Cancer Research (Sedgefield Community College’s chosen charity), Sedgefield Neighbourhood Watch, Sedgefield Ploggers, Great North Air Ambulance, 1st Sedgefield Guides, Sedgefield Players and Sedgefield Baby & Toddler.


£200 was awarded to community groups including the Great North Air Ambulance and 2nd Sedgefield Brownies.


We awarded over £400 in grants to the following groups:- Sedgefield Sowers & Growers, Sedgefield Players, 1st Sedgefield Guides and Sedgefield Memory Café.


A total of £255 was given from the Community Chest for One Step Forward, the Great North Air Ambulance and Sedgefield Cricket Club.

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