Do you know of someone who has made an exceptional contribution to Sedgefield? Why not nominate them for Citizen of the Year 2024 or, for those under the age of 21 (on 31st December 2024), Young Citizen of the Year 2024.
They may have:
- Run a community group or project
- Excelled at representing our community
- Taken care of our environment and wildlife
- Done an amazing good deed
- Been a positive role model for people in Sedgefield

Submit your nomination online by scanning the QR code to the left or by visiting
Nominations can be submitted between 17th February – 28th March 2025.
Please contact or call 01740 621 273 if you require a paper nomination form.
The awards (and prizes!) will be presented at the Annual Town Meeting in Sedgefield Parish Hall on Tuesday 13th May 2025.