Over several years there have been significant changes in local government funding which has culminated in the removal of grant funding for this council, however, this has been offset to some extent by new housing in the town in recent years. We anticipate that further changes to local government funding will also be seen in the coming years. Every year, each town and parish council set a precept which is a charge that is determined locally and is added to, and collected along with, Council Tax. This precept money is then used to provide services and amenities within that Parish.
Sedgefield Town Council is all too aware of the pressures of the current economic climate and the cost of living. The town council has made a commitment for 2025/26 to continue to deliver its existing services and schedule of community events while also progressing the expansion of Butterwick Road Cemetery, undertaking a significant programme of tree works around the town and protecting areas of village green. The town council, like all businesses, will be impacted by the increased employer’s national insurance contributions from 1st April 2025. There will be increases to cemetery fees and allotment fees, but these will be in-line with the current rate of inflation. In addition, there are going to be changes to the way in which Parish Hall hire fees are structured and charged to work towards the hall being more sustainable whilst recognizing its importance as a community asset.
The rise in Sedgefield Town Council’s precept equates to an increase of 8% or £16.53 per Band D household per annum.
Financial support schemes operated by Durham County Council for those in financial hardship, or who could qualify for a reduction in Council Tax, can be found at: https://www.durham.gov.uk/article/26603/Household-Support-Fund-HSF- and https://www.durham.gov.uk/counciltaxreduction.