Peter Hinde
Mayor 2024 to Current
Since moving here from Manchester in 1984, I have never stopped appreciating this wonderful town of ours, both the setting and our community.
In the early days, I remember joining Sedgefield’s Badminton Club, then became a member of the SCA and went on to join the committee. Over the years, the community welcomed me warmly and I participated in many community events and fundraising efforts, the biggest being the Mediaeval Fayre. I recall spending the week before the event going door to door and collecting items. I also played a part in organising the popular Proms in the Park concerts we used to hold each summer behind Ceddesfeld Hall.
When my wife Jaime and I returned to the UK after working in the Middle East for ten years, there was only one place we wanted to return to – Sedgefield. We love living in this community and will contribute to it in any way we can.
I am very proud to be elected Mayor and can't wait to meet lots of new faces. I am a great believer in ‘together, we are stronger’ and that you only get out of something what you put in, so for the next 12 months we will endeavour to raise funds for local causes and charities through various events and promotions. Thank you in advance!
Upcoming Mayoral Events
All tickets/information via Town Council Offices.
Mayor’s Coffee Morning
Date: 10:00am 24th January 2025
@Sedgefield Parish Hall
Coffee Morning held by Mayor of Sedgefield Cllr Peter Hinde to raise money for the Mayor's Charity
Mayor’s Valentines Dance
Date: 7:00pm 14th February 2025
£10.00 @Sedgefield Parish Hall
Mayor's fundraising Valentine's Dance with entertainment by Mamma Said. BYO food & drink.