Friday 4th August
The Mayor and Consort were delighted to attend the Memory Café’s Coffee Morning today in the Parish Hall. It was another full house and a lovely opportunity to raise much-needed funds for the group, as well as being a welcoming meeting place for residents to chat informally.

Friday 4th August
The Mayor and Consort enjoyed a special treat tonight in Stockton-on-Tees as guests of the Mayor at Stockton International Riverside Festival – what a magnificent spectacle. Huge congratulations to Stockton Borough Council for having the vision to mount such a fabulous event, free of charge for the community to enjoy the arts. Thank you Mayor Jim Beall for your kind invitation and hospitality. Superb!

Sunday 6th August
The Mayor and Consort were delighted to be offered a charity stall at the Farmers’ Market following a late cancellation and, together with Judith Featherstone, set up and ran a tombola stall of donated soft toys. The washing, drying, bagging and numbering of the toys and the folding of tickets was completed during the week by Julie and Ciaran. The weather was kind and a steady succession of customers helped us to raise just over £187. Many thanks to all those who supported the event in whichever manner.

Saturday 12th August
What a splendid time we had today at the 168th Sedgefield Show. We were honoured to be asked to judge several classes and, fortunately, we had only a few sharp showers to contend with. A brilliant day’s entertainment. Thank you Show Committee for the invitation. Judging the trade stands and the ‘fancy dress on horseback’ both proved extremely difficult as every entry had much to commend it.

Monday 14th August
What a wonderful evening’s entertainment everyone enjoyed in the Parish Hall. A packed audience was spellbound by the unfolding story, acted and sung so beautifully by Rebecca Demmer, accompanied so movingly by co-composer and fiancé Tim Jasper. Also in attendance was a volunteer from The Red Sky Foundation, who gave an interesting talk about the charity’s beginnings, CPR and defibrillation. A great night’s entertainment!
Friday 18th August
The Mayor and Consort were delighted to be invited to the Co-op Funeralcare Coffee Morning, raising much-needed funds for Barnardo’s; such a worthwhile charity.

Saturday 19th August
We spent a splendid morning at the PCP Centre at Cobblers Hall, Newton Aycliffe attending the Summer Fayre. We met a couple of Star Wars characters, a mermaid and a pirate. We always get a warm welcome from Carol Gaskarth when we visit. It’s a fantastic facility.

Saturday 19th August
The second event of the day found us at the Aycliffe and District Bus Preservation Society Rally in the car park next to the Great Aycliffe Council Offices. We enjoyed a ride from School Aycliffe, past Heighington, Redworth, Brusselton, towards Darlington and back to School Aycliffe. Lovely to see around a dozen working, vintage buses, which were once a regular sight round the North East. Thanks as ever to Dave Clark for the warm welcome.

Thursday 24th August
What a lovely afternoon the Mayor and Consort had at the Homebryth House 1940s afternoon tea with entertainment. Kay Sweetheart provided the wartime songs, resident Julian gave an amusing talk on Sir Winston Churchill, everyone enjoyed a splendid, home-baked tea before a number of residents performed some of their favourite songs and poems. It was a very good way to spend an afternoon in great company. Thanks go to Ivy for the kind invitation.