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Mayor: March 2024

1st March

The Mayor and Consort are always happy to support the Memory Cafe volunteers, who do such an amazing job organising activities for those suffering from dementia.

8th March

The Mayor was pleased to attend the W.I. Coffee Morning today. There were lots of things happening to keep everyone entertained for an hour and a half.

8th March

The Mayor spent a very pleasant evening in the Darlington Dolphin Centre at Mayor Jan Cossins’ Primary Schools’ Song Contest, with 15 schools participating. The standard of singing, costumes and choreography was extremely high and the judges had a very difficult time sorting out the winning school. In the end, Holy Family just made it to the top with Abba’s ‘One of Us’.

15th March

The Mayor and Consort were pleased to support the Village Veterans at their Coffee Morning in the Parish Hall. Some generous people donated their prizes for me to use at my next events.

16th March

The Mayor and Consort attended a fabulous night at Bishop Auckland Rugby Club at Mayor Sam Zair’s Irish Night, entertained by the wonderful Blarney Boys. Plenty of raffle prizes were won at the Mayoral table.

18th March

It was a privilege for the Mayor and Consort to be invited to Hartlepool Borough Council’s Special Meeting to confer titles of Honorary Aldermen, Honorary Alderwoman and Freedoms of the Borough to some inspirational people: Lord Rob Cook, Carl Richardson and Sheila Griffin plus Peter Bowes JP DL, George Colley, Savannah Marshall & Hartlepool Coastguard Rescue Team. It was a most humbling evening! Thanks for the invitation, Mayor Shane Moore.

20th March

The Mayor and Consort were delighted to be invited for afternoon tea at Preston Hall together with an excellent guided tour of the Museum. The whole party was royally entertained by the choirs of St Patrick’s School, Fairfield and Tilery School. Highlight of the day undoubtedly was the opportunity to see the famous Georges de la Tour (1593-1652) painting of The Dice Players. There is a huge expansion of the Museum planned, using some of the Government’s levelling up money. Thanks are due to the Stockton Mayoress for the invitation.

22nd March

The Moondogs did me proud tonight in my final Music Night as Mayor. They had people up dancing early in the first set and never let up, with hit after hit from the 50s and 60s. There were multiple games to join in and we’d organised a giant tombola stall. Great support was extended from last year’s Civics, Jimmy Jamieson and Dennis Loynes. Thanks boys and huge thanks also to my trusty team of helpers once again.

23rd March

The Mayor and Consort were invited to a lovely Coffee Morning in Aycliffe Village Hall today by Great Aycliffe Mayor, Carl Robinson. It was lovely for them to catch up with some of their former and current Mayor friends. Funds raised were for All Disabilities Matter.

23rd March

Spennymoor Mayor Ian Geldard hosted a Community Day at Spennymoor Town FC and invited his fellow Mayors to sample hospitality in the Players’ Lounge ahead of the match, which ended 3-0. Q and A sessions with Manager Graeme Lee, Club Captain Jamie Curtis and Ladies‘ Coach Billy Shackleton were all very informative.

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