Friday 1st September
The Mayor and Consort attended a great Coffee Morning in the Parish Hall, courtesy of Neighbourhood Watch. They were delighted to welcome our PCC, Joy Allen and Police Officer, Stephen Ward, who came along to meet local residents and listen to their concerns.

Friday 8th September
A unique event was held tonight at The Biscuit Factory in Shieldfield, Newcastle. We were delighted to be invited to NOVA’s event, hosted by Alfie Joey, delving into a critical issue facing the agriculture sector: labour shortages. As demands on the industry grow, the need for efficient solutions becomes paramount. This showcase illuminated the cutting-edge technology and strategies employed to directly confront these challenges. Special guests from the U.S. joined our local Wootzano team from the NETPark to explain and demonstrate what their robotics can do.

Friday 8th September
It’s always a pleasure to be invited to the Friday Coffee Mornings in the Parish Hall and the W.I. one today was no exception. It’s a marvellous opportunity to meet local residents and listen to their concerns in an informal setting. Once again, bad parking at the end of Station Road seemed to be the main area of disgruntlement but there were lots of positives too.

Saturday 9th September
The Mayor and Consort enjoyed a night out at The Phoenix Club in Newton Aycliffe for the Great Aycliffe Mayor’s Charity, ‘All Disabilities Matter’. Entertainment came in the form of the excellent Diana Macadam Dance Academy and the local singer Millie Bradley. Pie and peas, name the teddy and a raffle all added to the success of the evening with well over £400 raised.

Sunday 10th September
The Mayor and Consort were pleased to be invited to attend the Civic Service this morning for Great Aycliffe’s Mayor in St. Andrew’s Church, Aycliffe Village. There were some wonderful historic artefacts from Saxon times inside the church. After the service, light refreshments were served in the Village Hall just up the road.

Saturday 16th September
The Mayor and Consort were delighted to attend the Sedgefield Players’ 45th Annual Drama Festival of One Act Plays in the Parish Hall. They are pictured with members of Bananadrama, who won the award for best set. The full list of winners will be available on the Players’ website shortly.

Sunday 17th September
The Mayor and his Consort were delighted to be invited to the Spennymoor Mayor’s Civic Service at the Kingdom Culture Church this morning. We witnessed an interesting service which was followed by a splendid buffet lunch. We were very happy to go along to support Mayor Ian Geldard’s 3 charities.

Monday 18th September
Le Raaj did us proud tonight at my Indian Night with an excellent variety of foods. They could not have been more obliging. A raffle, a name the bear competition and an India quiz all added to the fun and helped me to raise a large amount for my charities. Special thanks go to last year’s Chain Gang for turning out in force for me and to Karina, Lil and Annette for selling tickets etc. It was lovely to meet the North Tyneside Civics for the first time.

Tuesday 19th September
The Mayor and Consort had another busy morning, this time at the Memory Café in the Methodist Church Hall, where they indulged in the art of découpage to make tea light holders. Everyone also celebrated member Pam’s birthday with coffee and cakes after the craft session.

Saturday 23rd September
The Mayor had the pleasure of being invited as President of the Twinning Association to the Bierfest in Ceddesfeld Hall tonight. There were typically German nibbles on every table and sausage buns and Strudel to eat. An Oompah band provided the entertainment. A full house ensured the evening was a roaring success. Thank you Alda and Phil for the invitation.

Sunday 24th September
The Mayor and Consort’s first visit to St Cuthbert’s Church in Peterlee today was for Mayor Audrey Laing’s Civic Service. A number of Chain Gang members joined the congregation to ask for God’s blessing for her year of office. The service was punctuated by 3 rousing hymns, accompanied by the powerful sound of the organ. Thank you for the invitation, Audrey and Consort Lucy Hovvels.
Friday 29th September
The Mayor and Consort were pleased to attend no less than 3 Coffee Mornings on Friday 29th September, two of which were raising funds for Macmillan Nurses.
These were at a private address in Pine Ridge Avenue, the Parish Hall (for Sedgefield Veterans) and Mess Charcuterie, which has been open since November last year.

Saturday 30th September
A packed Parish Hall witnessed a first class show tonight with the Seaham-based, Jersey Boyz Tribute Band providing the entertainment. A gin shoot, a bingo game, a raffle and a name the bear competition all added to the fun as money was raised for The Red Sky Foundation and local community groups.