Sedgefield Town Council Councillors were delighted to elect Councillor Leo McComack (pictured with his wife Sandra), who joined the council in 2017, as Mayor of Sedgefield for 2019/2020. Cllr McCormack was born and raised in the north of England and moved to Sedgefield with his wife Sandra in 2003. With a professional background in teaching and a passion for singing and writing, Leo has vast experience engaging with staff and students alike to produce and perform various drama/ musical events and told us: “I look forward to utilising my experiences to interact with, and facilitate, local community groups.”. Leo is delighted to be elected as Mayor of Sedgefield, adding that “it will be a great honour to represent Sedgefield and I will carry out this role to the best of my ability. I am a true believer in the power and importance of community.” During his time as mayor, Leo has chosen Butterwick Hospice as his main charity along with support for local dementia groups.