1st Sedgefield Brownies and Guides
We meet in the Fletcher Room on Tuesday evenings from 6- 7:30pm (during term time only) with activities packed full of fun, adventure and variety. For any new enquiries please log on to Girlguiding Go.

Balance Right & Pilates
Our Balance Right class runs 10-11am on Wednesday mornings in Sedgefield Parish Hall, perfect for anyone who feels like their balance, strength and co-ordination are not what they used to be. It’s a fun, relaxed and safe way of improving our fitness together utilising chairs and simple equipment.
We also run a Pilates-based movement class from 11:15am-12:30pm on the same day looking at ways to improve posture, strength and balance for all ages and fitness levels, ending with relaxation.
Both classes are led by Sue, who has been running groups in the town and surrounding areas for nearly 20 years. Drop in to one of the sessions to have a chat or email Sue at sueboylan62@yahoo.co.uk.

DIDO stands for Days In and Days Out. We are a vibrant club of women of a ‘certain age’ who meet in the Parish Hall on the 2nd Monday of every month, from 1-3:30pm. We have an action-packed programme of events that include; games days, competitions, quizzes, entertainment and singers, karaoke and parties. We also organise trips out during the year including a Christmas Party.
Around 45 to 50 women attend every month and the emphasis is on meeting and making friends and having fun. If you would like further information text Brenda on 07597116847.

Ferryhill, Sedgefield & District Flower Club
We hold our club meetings in the Parish Hall on the third Tuesday evening of the month (February until December except August). We hire a selection of NAFAS trained Flower Demonstrations to provide us with great ideas and entertainment. We also host coffee mornings, workshops, garden parties, social activities and trips to assist with fundraising for future activities.
We wholeheartedly welcome new members to join us. For any enquiries, contact our secretary (Sandra) on 07533752870 or via email sandracoyle@icloud.com.

Fishburn Dance
Fishburn Dance and Drama offer classes for ages 2 upwards in ballet, tap, modern, and acro. Classes are held at Fishburn Youth & Community Centre on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays and at Sedgefield Parish Hall on Wednesdays and Thursdays.
For further information contact fishburndance@yahoo.com or find us on Facebook @ Fishburn Dance and Drama.

Hartbeeps award-winning immersive sensory music classes for little ones with big imaginations. Inspired by curiosity, backed by research and sprinkled with magic. We have classes for little ones from birth right up to pre-school age. We hold classes at the Parish Hall on Wednesdays and Fridays during school term time.
Sessions need to be booked here. Contact Ali ali.harrison@hartbeeps.com

Sedgefield District Uniformed Services Group
We are the Sedgefield District Uniformed Services Group, formerly Sedgefield Village Veterans Association, and we raise money for good causes in Sedgefield and the surrounding areas.
Our monthly coffee morning takes place in Sedgefield Parish Hall on the last Friday of each month, at 10am (excluding December) and is always packed with local residents who love the atmosphere, the raffle, our tombola and Sheila’s incredible cakes! Come along and we promise a warm welcome.

Sedgefield Games Club
Sedgefield Games Club meet monthly on a Saturday evening from 6pm-11pm in the Fletcher room, welcoming anyone aged 18 and over, for an evening of friendly board gaming. No experience needed. Please feel free to bring your own games, or join in with one of ours.
For more information, and event times please visit our Facebook page - https://m.facebook.com/groups/1793250984403852/ or email Sarah at sarah-johnson@live.com

Sedgefield in Bloom
Sedgefield in Bloom is a voluntary community group. Our aim is to maintain and improve the appearance and environment of the town for the benefit and enjoyment of residents, visitors, people who work here and those who may be passing through. We meet in Ceddesfeld car park each Wednesday to decide which area we will be working on that day.
We hold several coffee mornings throughout the year in the Parish Hall plus two music nights in order to raise much needed cash to support our activities. We are always looking to welcome new members. There are a variety of activities which we need assistance with such as fundraising, bookkeeping, administration, leaf clearing, planting and watering along with much more. Please get in touch with our secretary on secretarysib22@gmail.com.

Sedgefield Players & SPYS
Established in 1971, ‘Sedgefield Players’ is a vibrant and enthusiastic award-winning amateur drama. We perform two full length plays each year plus a pantomime and we also host a one act drama festival with groups from around the area taking part. We also have a thriving youth section, SPYS, who also put on a full production and many of them take part in our drama festival and pantomime.
We rehearse on Wednesday and Sunday evenings. We welcome new members throughout the year. If acting is not your thing, there is always much to do off stage – technical, costumes, front of house. Membership is £10 per year. Just pop along. Please see our website www.sedgefieldplayers.co.uk or find us on Instagram – Sedgefieldplayers.

Sedgefield Women’s Institute
Formed in 1918, we are a group for women aged 18+. We meet every 1st Wednesday of the Month in the Parish Hall at 7:15pm. Our meetings are a fun filled mix of education and entertainment, with guest speakers ranging from Gin Tasting to River Dredging and everything in between! The WI is the largest Women’s Charitable Organisation in the UK with over 180000 members in England and Wales so why not come along to one of our meetings and see if it’s for you? We promise if you don’t know anyone when you arrive you will by the time you leave.
Telephone Christine on 07813831082 or email sedgefield@durhamwi.co.uk. We can also be found on Facebook by searching Sedgefield Women's Institute.

Sew Easy
Sew Easy is an informal sewing group open to any level of sewing ability. We provide a range of machinery and guidance to build your confidence and skills with dressmaking. Whether you want to learn new techniques or simply start a project in a friendly environment, we would love to have you here.
Our sewing sessions take place on alternative Monday evenings 6:30-9pm and Wednesday afternoons 12:30-3pm in Sedgefield Parish Hall. Get in touch with Dorothy on 07773 286743 for more information.

With over 1000 groups and nearly 400,000 members in the UK, the u3a offers possibly the widest range of interest groups for those who wish to make the most of retirement or semi-retirement.
Sedgefield and District u3a meet at 2-4pm on the first Friday of each month in the Parish Hall when Speakers are invited to talk on a wide variety of topics. You can also catch up with what’s happening in our various smaller ‘interest groups’ and sign up to take part in a forthcoming activity as well as enjoy a coffee and a chat.
Our interest groups include: Lunching Out; Photography; Theatre Visits; Industrial and Scientific Workplaces; Homes and Gardens; Wine Appreciation; Health and Wellbeing; Creative Writing; Book Club; Bridge; Pop- up Craft.
Visitors are always welcome at our monthly meetings or to any of the Interest Group meetings: you may attend 3 times (at a cost of £3 each visit) before deciding to join u3a. Please see our website Sedgefield and District u3a for lots more information and contact details or get in touch with our chair, Ray Manning, (docray2@hotmail.com/01740 629276).
Sedgefield Parish Hall History
The building was founded in 1849 as the Mechanics Institute but later rebuilt as an Institute of Literature and Science. It was then re-purposed as the Parish Hall and Town Clerk’s office.
In 2007, a public consultation exercise was carried out in the community to decide upon the specification of the Parish Hall Refurbishment. In 2008, the work was completed and a grand-reopening introduced the Parish Hall back into the community. The stage facilities were improved and new lighting and sound systems were installed to supply the community with a high-quality performance venue. The kitchen, toilet and bar facilities were also revamped to provide the perfect setting for any event.
In 2017/18 a further renovation was undertaken, refurbishing the Fletcher Room and adjoining office to create a self-contained, modern community area with its own dedicated kitchen and serving hatch. Alongside this project, other areas of the building were also modernised, with redecoration and new flooring in the bar/foyer area, new lighting, new tables and chairs in the Fletcher Room and much-needed work to the drainage and flooring in the downstairs toilets.
The Hall is now home to many of Sedgefield’s most cherished community groups and events, with everything from the Sedgefield Veterans, Women’s Institute and DIDO to weekly exercises classes, baby groups, community performances and outstanding live music. All groups are encouraged and welcomed.
As it is now some time since the Parish Hall has been refurbished, the Estates Working Group have made it their priority to regularly review all aspects of the Parish Hall, and where required, undertake further improvements.