Latest News in Sedgefield



Sedgefield Town Council has become aware that Barratt Homes are undertaking a community consultation seeking views on proposed additional housing on land North of Beacon Lane, Sedgefield.

Durham County Council is the Local Planning Authority for all of County Durham, which includes Sedgefield. Durham County Council take the lead in processing planning applications from submission by an applicant through to the final determination. Part of this process requires Durham County Council to notify statutory consultees when a planning application falls within their area. If there was any planning application that fell within the Sedgefield electoral ward, Sedgefield Town Council would be notified by Durham County Council and then given the opportunity to submit comments/objections.

Objections to any planning application must be based on material planning considerations in accordance with the National Planning Policy Framework (NPFF). The town council would also refer to The Sedgefield Plan which is the town’s formally adopted Neighbourhood Plan and includes a number of policies agreed in conjunction with residents and businesses detailing the requirements of future development in the Parish of Sedgefield. Within The Sedgefield Plan is a Built-Up Area Boundary that shows where support would be given for any future planning developments. The area North of Beacon Lane falls outside the Built-Up Area Boundary.

We need to stress at this time, Sedgefield Town Council has not been notified of any formal planning application by Durham County Council in relation to land North of Beacon Lane, Sedgefield. This means at this time, there is nothing to formally consider and object to. If we do receive notification of such a planning application, this would be considered at the town council’s monthly meeting in Sedgefield Parish Hall, future dates of which can be found at All monthly meetings are open for members of the public to attend and observe or participate during Public Participation if they wish. Please refer to the above link to see our Public Participation guidance which includes the process that must be taken by those wishing to participate. 

As Sedgefield Town Council are not the Local Planning Authority, we do not have any powers to make housing developers consult with us directly. However, if an approach was made and public meeting suggested, we would facilitate such meeting.  

Some residents have already contacted the town council sharing concerns over this potential development. We are extremely grateful for you taking the time to let us know your views, however, at the time if/when a formal planning application is submitted to Durham County Council and then consulted upon, residents must ensure their comments go directly to Durham County Council to be considered as part of the planning application determination process.


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