Sedgefield Cemetery

Sedgefield Cemetery

Butterwick Road Cemetery is the active cemetery within Sedgefield, situated northeast of the town centre at the start of Butterwick Road. The cemetery is open to burials and interments, however, due to the current expansion of the cemetery, we are unable to accept pre-purchasing of plots at this time.

We request that ashes are not scattered at the cemetery.

Please get in touch with us directly to enquire about a burial.

Pricing 2025/2026

New Single GraveDig £407Purchase £296Total £703
Interment of ashes in a new graveDig £149Purchase £296Total £445
Interment of minor
(i.e. child under the age of 12 years)
Dig £204Purchase £296Total £500
Interment of ashes in existing graveTotal £149
Interment of ashes / or plaque only
in Garden of Remembrance
Total £149
Purchase / reserve a grave
without interment
Total £296
Right to erect a headstoneTotal £781

These above fees apply where the person to be interred is or was up until their last 2 years of life, an inhabitant of the Parishes of Sedgefield, Bradbury or Mordon. In all other cases the fees will be trebled. There are exceptional circumstances to this policy as below:

1. Person to be interred already has purchased grave (Partners may or may not already be interred). Ordinary scale of fees apply.

2. Person to be interred has for the last 2 to 3 years lived outside Sedgefield, i.e. for example health care has necessitated residence in home/other. Ordinary scale of fees apply.

3. Person to be interred does not have a purchased grave and has lived outside the Parish between 3-5 years. Double scale of fees apply.

History of Sedgefield Cemetery

Butterwick Road Cemetery has been used since approximately 1908, consisting of nearly 4,000 grave spaces. It replaced the old cemeteries on Beacon Lane and St Edmund’s Churchyard when they closed.

Cemetery Lodge stands at the entrance to Butterwick Road Cemetery. At one time this was home to the Sexton whose job it was to dig the graves and generally maintain the grounds, as well as attending each and every burial. In addition, the Sexton kept all of the burial records and accounts. Today this work is done by a combination of Town Council staff and their appointed contractors. The lodge is let out privately.

To the right of the cemetery path just before entering the actual burial area is a small paved memorial with a seat and beautiful floral display. This area is to remember the many stillborn children who were buried here in the past.

The Cemetery’s burial area consists of two main sections: section B to the left and section A to the right. Section B is nearly filled, with remaining spaces reserved for future interments. Section A is in current use. Above section B, surrounded by hedges, are the Gardens of Remembrance for the burial of ashes.

Within section A is Winterton Memorial, remembering the many patients from Winterton Hospital who were buried here. Many of these were in pauper’s graves and have no headstones or markings to remember the person. It was felt appropriate to make sure they were not forgotten.

Image of a memorial within Sedgefield Cemetery.
An image Sedgefield Cemetery across to the church

Butterwick Road Cemetery - Cemetery Expansion

For many years, work has been underway to expand Butterwick Road Cemetery to ensure a burial facility can be provided in Sedgefield for many years to come.

The construction work is due to begin on 17th March 2025 and last approximately 18 weeks. Please note: This date may change.

The expansion will be in the land at the top of the existing cemetery site, the area beyond the existing hedges and the stone shelter. This expansion will include a funeral vehicle access road between the existing cemetery area and the nearby allotment sites.

Check the latest news posts on this page for the most recent updates.

An aerial image of Butterwick Road Cemetery showing both the existing and new area.

Sedgefield Cemetery News

An image of the empty area of land at Butterwick Road Cemetery where the new burial area will be.

Butterwick Road Cemetery – Expansion Update

11th February 2025

Over recent years, the Town Council has been working to

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A photo of Butterwick Road Cemetery on a sunny day with a contrail in the sky.


5th February 2025

As part of the Sedgefield Cemetery Expansion, Sedgefield

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Head Gardener and Cemetery Superintendent Stephen undertaking headstone safety testing in Butterwick Road Cemetery.

Headstone Safety Testing 2024/25: Complete

15th January 2025

Our annual headstone safety testing for 2024/25 has been

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