Take a look at all the fun things we’ve got planned this summer, courtesy of DCC Fun and Food, EDRC AAP and Sedgefield Town Council!
4x Core Monday evening sessions on 24th July, 31st July, 7th August and 14th August.
Laser Quest on Wednesday 2nd August | 4:20-8:00pm. Requires a £5 refundable deposit.
Baking on Thursday 10th August 11am-2:30pm + Coffee Morning on Friday 11th August 10am-12noon.
Rock Climbing on Wednesday 16th August | 10:50am-3:15pm. Requires a £5 refundable deposit.
Competitive Games Day on Wednesday 26th July 11:30am-3pm
Disco on Thursday 17th September 6-8:30pm
All our activities are open to children aged 7+ and include a hot meal (with the exception of the short coffee morning where members will eat healthy snacks and some of our baked goodies!). New attendees must register at one of our core sessions before attending any other activities. Attendance must be registered in advance as places are limited.
For more information email us on sedgefieldyouthclub2022@outlook.com