Each year we set children at Sedgefield Primary School and Sedgefield Hardwick Primary School a festive craft task in the week leading up to the Snow Party. This year, children took a plain white toilet roll tube and turned it into a magical snowman.
The Mayor, Councillor Peter Hinde visited each school on Wednesday 27th November 2024 to take a look at the wonderful creations and award some prizes. Well done to all pupils that took part and a big congratulations to the following winners who each won a selection box:
- Sedgefield Primary Year 2: Gabriel
- Sedgefield Primary Year 1: Georgina
- Hardwick Primary Year 3: Isabelle
- Hardwick Primary Year 2: Zoe
Some of the snowmen even made it into Santa’s Grotto this year – decorating the winter wonderland seating area while children waited in anticipation.
Thank you to the staff at both schools for helping us co-ordinate this lovely activity.