Latest News in Sedgefield


Thank you to Mayor 2022-24

Mayor of Sedgefield Cllr Dave Jasper and Consort Annette Lawson have had a remarkably busy year, travelling far and wide to promote our town and community. Attending well over 100 events (including his own highly successful music nights, coffee mornings, fashion show, civic ball and more), Dave has raised just over £13,300. This incredible 12 months of fundraising culminated in the Annual Town Meeting held on Tuesday 7th May 2024, where Dave proudly presented cheques to a whopping 32 causes.

Dave’s headline charity was Red Sky Foundation, who have provided much support to his fundraising efforts, and together they have fitted 6
defibrillators in the town, raising awareness of their purpose and training. You can see the full list of causes which received donations from Dave this year, including images of the cheque presentations, here.

Over the course of Dave’s two years as Mayor, an incredible £28,000 has been donated to charities and our local community. Thank you again for such incredible work. We hope you both now have some much deserved time to relax and put your feet up!

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