Your Councillors

Allan Blakemore

David Brown

Ciaran Butterworth

Mark Cant

Ann Carr

Mel Carr

Kelly Dickerson

John Finlayson

Elizabeth Flanagan

Catherine Hart

Jenny Haworth

Peter Hinde

Dave Jasper

Julie Towler

Mavis Wayman
Allan Blakemore
I intend to continue with the work in the community as I have done for over ten years.
Councillor Allan Blakemore sits on the following:
- Monthly
- Policy and Resources
- Environment
- Community, Development and Engagement
- Personnel
- Sedgefield Extra
- Community Chest
- Staff Complaints
Working Groups:
- Estates
- Finance
- Fireworks
- Butterwick Road Cemetery
- Policy and Records Management
Councillor Allan Blakemore also represents the Town Council on the following:
- SCA Executive
- Crime Prevention / Neighbourhood Watch
- Pubs Partnership
- The Sedgefield District Relief in Need Charity and The Howle Hope Estate board of The Sedgefield Charities
- County Durham Association of Local Councils (CDALC)
- Larger Councils Forum
- Address:
32 Beacon Avenue, Sedgefield TS21 3AB - Telephone Number:
01740 621820
David Brown
I have been a town councillor since 2003 and look forward to representing residents during this term of office. I am proud to say I have always lived in Sedgefield Parish. My father was a farmer at Bog Hall farm where I was brought up. Upon my marriage in 1964 I farmed at Hopper House Farm which is now run by my son and his wife. Understandably I am the voice for the rural residents (10%) who at this point in time contribute 20% of the precept! Please attend meetings and have your say.
Councillor David Brown sits on the following:
- Monthly
- Policy and Resources
- Environment
- Community, Development and Engagement
- Sedgefield Extra
- Community Chest
Working Groups:
- Finance
Councillor David Brown also represents the Town Council on the following:
- Pubs Partnership
- The Sedgefield District Relief in Need Charity and The Howle Hope Estate board of The Sedgefield Charities
- Address:
Town Farm House, 3 West End, Sedgefield TS21 2BW - Telephone Number:
01740 622894
Ciaran Butterworth
I was born and raised in the village and took full advantage of the many community groups on offer as I grew up here. In 2024, I moved back to the village with my family because I wanted to make sure my daughter could have as many opportunities as I did.
I look forward to making a full and active contribution to community events in the village and representing and bringing diversity to the council.
Councillor Ciaran Butterworth sits on the following:
- Monthly
- Policy and Resources
- Environment
- Community, Development and Engagement
- Sedgefield Extra
- Community Chest
- Address:
via the Council Office - Telephone Number:
07837 647158
Mark Cant
I am pleased to be able to continue to support the very positive work of Sedgefield Town Council which has been carried out on behalf of the residents of Sedgefield since I was elected in 2013. As part of a team of very enthusiastic and largely non-political independent members; we aim to continue to deliver great results, as we hope you think we have done, since 2013.
Councillor Mark Cant sits on the following:
- Monthly
- Policy and Resources
- Environment
- Community, Development and Engagement
- Personnel
- Sedgefield Extra
- Community Chest
- Staff Complaints
Councillor Mark Cant also represents the Town Council on the following:
- Lambs Hill Liaison Committee
- Address:
Mordon Moor Farm, Racecourse Road, Sedgefield TS21 2HN - Telephone Number:
07818 243774
Ann Carr
I have lived and worked in Sedgefield for 47 years and always been interested in what makes our town thrive and why it is a popular place to live. I am married to Mel and we have two daughters. I have worked as a nurse, midwife and hotelier in Sedgefield for many years. I enjoy travel, reading and am a keen participant/volunteer in many groups such as the Inner Wheel, U3A, Dance Group and Holme House Prison. I am concerned with what can be done to preserve what we have in Sedgefield and how to improve it. I will do my best to support the residents of Sedgefield in maintaining and building on all the great things we have in our town.
Councillor Ann Carr sits on the following:
- Monthly
- Policy and Resources
- Environment
- Community, Development and Engagement
- Personnel
- Sedgefield Extra
- Community Chest
- Staff Complaints
Working Groups:
- Estates
- Fireworks
- Butterwick Road Cemetery
- Policy and Records Management
Councillor Ann Carr also represents the Town Council on the following:
- The Educational Foundation Board of The Sedgefield Charities
- Address:
3 The Square, Sedgefield TS21 2AB - Telephone Number:
01740 629070
Mel Carr
I was born in Sedgefield and have lived here for over 60 years. I now live with my wife Ann in the centre of the village. We have two daughters Louise and Emma and two granddaughters who have been a great support to me since I joined the Town Council. I am pleased to be a Councillor and will continue to work for the interests of all residents to retain the special and unique character of Sedgefield.
Councillor Mel Carr sits on the following:
- Monthly
- Policy and Resources
- Environment
- Community, Development and Engagement
- Sedgefield Extra
- Community Chest
- Staff Appeals
Working Groups:
- Estates
- Finance
- Fireworks
- Butterwick Road Cemetery
- Policy and Records Management
Councillor Mel Carr also represents the Town Council on the following:
- East Durham Rural Corridor Area Action Partnership Local Council Committee
- Sedgefield Development Trust
- Sedgefield In Bloom
- Address:
3 The Square, Sedgefield TS21 2AB - Telephone Number:
01740 629070
Kelly Dickerson
I relocated to Sedgefield from Lancashire with my family 27 years ago. Now married to husband Marc, we have two children and fully appreciate and enjoy all the services Sedgefield has to offer. I am passionate about my local community and very grateful for the beautiful, vibrant Village and surrounding areas Sedgefield benefits from. I am committed to making it even better. With a strong focus on environmental issues, improving our parks, green spaces, and footpaths together with minimising the environmental impact. I am looking forward to contributing to the community events and feel that my dual qualified background in Surveying and Building Surveying will help support planning and estate matters. I am active in the community, approachable and hope to bring a fresh perspective and creativity to the Town Councils services and look forward to working with fellow councillors.
Councillor Dickerson is the Town Council’s Allotment Champion.
Councillor Kelly Dickerson sits on the following:
- Monthly
- Policy and Resources
- Environment
- Community, Development and Engagement
- Sedgefield Extra
- Community Chest
- Staff Appeals
Working Groups:
- Estates
- Fireworks
Councillor Kelly Dickerson also represents the Town Council on the following:
- Crime Prevention/Neighbourhood Watch
- Address:
30 Beaumont Court, Sedgefield, TS21 3AH - Telephone Number:
John Finlayson
I am a retired IT Consultant formerly with “HP Enterprise Services” at Wynyard, and I have lived in Sedgefield for 23 years with my wife Dee. I was born in Darlington and grew up in Stockton – and I also lived in the London area for a number of years before returning to the North East in 1998. I am involved with Sedgefield Blues Club and Sedgefield Players, and I am a keen photographer. I look forward to serving the Sedgefield community and working with my fellow Councillors during the coming term.
Councillor Finlayson is the Town Council’s Parish Hall Champion.
Councillor John Finlayson sits on the following:
- Monthly
- Policy and Resources
- Environment
- Community, Development and Engagement
- Sedgefield Extra
- Community Chest
- Personnel
- Staff Complaints
Working Groups:
- Butterwick Road Cemetery
- Estates
- Finance
- Policy & Records Management
Councillor John Finlayson also represents the Town Council on the following:
- County Durham Association of Local Councils and its Larger Councils Committee
- NETPark
- Address:
5 Pine Ridge Avenue, Sedgefield TS21 3EF - Telephone Number:
01740 622313
Elizabeth Flanagan
I was born in Sedgefield and lived here for the majority of my life. I moved into Hamminkeln Place last year with the 19yr old son. I work for Durham County Council and have a background in Housing. I’ve also been involved in village life and felt it was time to give something back. I was a member of Sedgefield Young Farmers for many years and am a current member of the Sedgefield Players. I feel it is important for people to be involved in area where they live and am looking forward to helping with community development and improving our green spaces and quality of life. I hope to bring a new perspective to the council and looking forward to working with the rest of the council members.
Councillor Elizabeth Flanagan sits on the following:
- Monthly
- Policy and Resources
- Environment
- CD&E
- Community Chest
- Sedgefield Extra
- Address:
33 Hamminkeln Place, Sedgefield, TS21 3FN - Telephone Number:
07760 640059
Catherine Hart
I grew up in Sedgefield and returned here after my marrying my husband, with whom, I have 3 grown up children. I am looking forward to serving my local community. As an avid reader I am keen to preserve our library services as well as helping to support and maintain our village. I am looking forward to working with my fellow Councillors in the best interests of Sedgefield.
Councillor Catherine Hart sits on the following:
- Monthly
- Policy and Resources
- Environment
- Community, Development and Engagement
- Sedgefield Extra
- Community Chest
- Staff Appeals
- Address:
Foxton Farm, Foxton, Sedgefield TS21 2HX - Telephone Number:
07837 126472
Jenny Haworth
Originally from Darlington, I have lived in the North East most of my life and was fortunate to move to Sedgefield in 2018 with my husband. Having recently retired from local government I want to use my skills to contribute to the work of the town council.
I have found Sedgefield to be a very welcoming community to move into, and I want to help improve our local facilities and contribute to our strong sense of community.
I intend to support community engagement in the Council’s plans, improvements our parks and natural environment, and the development of safe cycling and walking routes and facilities in the area. I will do my best to represent the interests of local residents.
Councillor Jenny Haworth sits on the following:
- Monthly
- Policy and Resources
- Environment
- Community, Development and Engagement
- Personnel
- Sedgefield Extra
- Community Chest
- Staff Complaints
Working Groups:
- Finance
- Policy & Records Management
- Address:
27 Station Road, Sedgefield, TS21 2BY - Telephone Number:
Peter Hinde
I moved to Sedgefield in 1984 and have enjoyed living in this beautiful town. Over the years, I have been involved in local organisations such as the Badminton club and Sedgefield Community Association, as well as assisting with community events including the Medieval Fayre. I was part of the team which once brought Proms in the Park to Sedgefield, and also one of the residents who won £50,000 for the town many years ago in The People’s Lottery.
We are very fortunate to have so many facilities in our town and I will continue to work hard to support and promote them.
Councillor Peter Hinde sits on the following:
- Monthly
- Policy and Resources
- Environment
- CD&E
- Community Chest
- Sedgefield Extra
- Staff Appeals
Working Groups:
- Fireworks
- Address:
44 West End, Sedgefield, TS21 2BT - Telephone Number:
01740 621709
Dave Jasper
My association with Sedgefield stretches back to 1976, when I was appointed as a class teacher with responsibility for music. Involvement with a flourishing PTA ensued and I spent 8 fulfilling years at Rectory Row School. During this period I was invited to be the Musical Director of the Lyric Singers so, although subsequently I was promoted to larger schools in Darlington and then Durham, I continued with the choral link to the village. In 1988 I moved to Sedgefield and have lived here ever since. I am a member of Sedgefield Players and the SCA and an honorary life member of the choir.
Membership of a school governing body as Vice-Chair and being Treasurer of a number of local music organisations and PTAs followed. Working on several committees and seeing how well they function have provided me with a wealth of experience, which I hope to draw upon in this new, exciting position. I look forward to helping Sedgefield to continue to be a great place to live and raise families, providing its youngsters with many opportunities, just as it did for our children over the years. It is important for inhabitants of all ages and for local businesses to flourish and a vibrant Town Council should facilitate this, as part of its remit.
Councillor Dave Jasper sits on the following:
- Monthly
- Policy and Resources
- Environment
- Community, Development and Engagement
- Sedgefield Extra
- Community Chest
- Staff Appeals
Working Groups:
- Finance
- Estates
- Fireworks
- Address:
The Mews, 1 Rosedale Close, Sedgefield TS21 3EQ - Telephone Number:
07791 030886
Julie Towler
I have lived and worked in Sedgefield for over 35 years and have been the owner of Jaiz Hair Salon for 30. My husband Andrew and I have brought our 2 sons up within the village community and have embraced all that Sedgefield has to offer. I have also been a volunteer Guide leader for the last 33 years. I hope to be a good asset to the council, working as a team.
Councillor Julie Towler sits on the following:
- Monthly
- Policy and Resources
- Environment
- Community, Development and Engagement
- Personnel
- Sedgefield Extra
- Community Chest
- Staff Complaints
Working Groups:
- Estates
- Butterwick Road Cemetery
- Address:
6 Mitford Court, Sedgefield TS21 2JE - Telephone Number:
07979 376997
Mavis Wayman
I came to live in Sedgefield in 1960, and my two children were born here and attended the local primary schools. My working life was divided into two parts, being the owner of Jayne Fashions Ltd. and Customer Services Manager at Filmco International on the trading estate. I was appointed Youth Leader in the village in the 70’s and had a hut at the isolation hospital as a centre. I hope to serve the residents in a way which will maintain the characteristics of the “village”, ensuring we have a safe environment in which to live and participate in a controlled housing development plan.
Councillor Mavis Wayman sits on the following:
- Monthly
- Policy and Resources
- Environment
- Community, Development and Engagement
- Personnel
- Sedgefield Extra
- Community Chest
- Staff Complaints
Working Groups:
- Estates
- Fireworks
- Policy and Records Management
Councillor Mavis Wayman also represents the Town Council on the following:
- Sedgefield Twinning Association
- The Educational Foundation Board The Sedgefield Charities
- Address:
32 White House Drive, Sedgefield TS21 3BX - Telephone Number:
01740 620337
Committees and Working Groups
Sedgefield Town Council conducts its business through a Committee system as follows:
Committee | Purpose | Chair: | Vice Chair: |
Monthly | To consider reports on all Council, Committees and Extra Bodies as well as consider planning applications within, or impacting upon, the Parish. | Mel Carr | Allan Blakemore |
Policy & Resources (P&R) | To deal with the Council’s financial matters and governance arrangements as well as Council estates issues. | Allan Blakemore | Jenny Haworth |
Community Development & Engagement | To deal with community events and community liaison issues. | Mavis Wayman | Ann Carr |
Environment | To deal with issues relating to open spaces, horticulture, allotments and cemetery matters. | Mark Cant | John Finlayson |
Personnel | To deal with all Town Council personnel matters. | Allan Blakemore | Jenny Haworth |
Sedgefield Extra | To oversee the publication of the Council’s dedicated community publication the Sedgefield Extra. | John Finlayson | Mavis Wayman |
Community Chest | To consider requests from community members or groups for financial support. | Julie Towler | Mavis Wayman |
Underneath the Committees are a series of Working Groups which undertake research and investigation to propose recommendations for consideration by all Councillors at the relevant Committees. During 2024/25 the Council will be operating the following Working Groups:
Working Group: | Reporting Committee: | Chair: | Vice Chair: |
Fireworks | Community Development & Engagement | Allan Blakemore | N/A |
Estates | P&R | John Finlayson | Mel Carr |
Finance | P&R | Allan Blakemore | Jenny Haworth |
Policy & Records Management | P&R | Allan Blakemore | Jenny Haworth |
Butterwick Road Cemetery | P&R | Mel Carr | Allan Blakemore |
Sedgefield Town Council Register of Interest Forms can be viewed on Durham County Council's website by clicking here.